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Pakistan - A Neuclear Power


At the very inception Pakistan chose American bloc and came under his  influence. In 1954 Pakistani Prime Minister Muhammad Ali Bogra and American president Eisenhower signed pact that Pakistan will not use atomic energy for the preparation of atomic bomb which was severely criticised at home.

America just wanted that no any country in the world could attain atomic bomb capability.

SEATO and SENTO Agreements

Pakistan become member of defence related pacts, SEATO and SENTO, under the patronage of America and in Pakistan mostly these pacts were  considered as a shield and deterrence against any foriegn  aggressive move hence no need was felt to ponder on atomic bomb ability.

Indian Preparations

While on the other hand Pakistan arch rival India continued preparations for atomic bomb.

Many efforts were made in General Ayub's era to start preparations of atomic bomb but the dream couldn't be materialised due top civil military officers' opposition. 

Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto 

Zulifiqar Ali Bhuto's  Era

Real work on atomic bomb preparation was started in the era of Zulfi1ar Ali Bhuto. 
He carried out whirlwind visits of wealthy brotherly Arab Muslim states to muster financial support for the atomic bomb.

   Dr AQ Khan

Zulifiqar Ali Bhuto called a scientist Dr Abdul Qadeer from Holland and made his own dedicated  team for the job.

Pakistan got atomic reprocessing plant from France against the wishes of America. The pace of work was so fast that once America Foriegn  Secretary Henry Kassinger  gave life threats to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto if his government continued the work on preparation of atomic bomb but inspite of all threats Zulifiqar Ali Bhutto tread the same path of atomic bomb preparations.

Pakistani scientists carried out uranium enrichment at Kahota laboratories in 1974.

In Genral Zia ul Haq's era Pakistani scientists had attained the stage of 100 percent uranium enrichment and were able to conduct the atomic bomb tests but could not done so due to pro American elements in General Zia's cabinet.

In May 1998 India conducted  atomic bomb blasts and on 28 May 1998 in retaliation Pakistan under the  premiership of Nawaz Sharif, who bravely defied all pressures of America, also conducted 6 atomic blasts at Chahgi Balochistan to reply arch rival India in the same coin.

How Many Nukes Pakistan Hold

It is estimated that Pakistan hold 260 nukes in his arsenal.
Pakistan became member  atomic countries club 
 being a first Muslim state.

Pakistanis celebrate 28 May as Youm e Takbeer and reiterate the pledge for benefiting reply to India in any kind of wrong mongering.

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