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Eid ul Adha 2023 - Preparations in full swing


Zilhaj moon 🌙 sighting 

 Ruet e Hilal Committee chairman Maolana Abdul Khabeer Azad has announced the sighting of zilhaj moon. 

Eid ul Adha will be celebrated on Thursday 29 of June 2023 in all over Pakistan with full zeal and zest.

Eid ul Adha 2023 in Pakistan 

Eid ul Adha falls in the last month of Islam calendar and celebrated on 10th of Zilhaj at the culmination of hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam. Eid ul Adha is celebrated in remembrance of Hazrat Ibrahim's AS devotion, obedience and submission before Allah Almighty when he was commanded to sacrifice his son for Allah.
Muslims carry out sacrifice of sheep,camel and ram on three days of Eid ul Adha, 10 to 12 Zilhaj.
Meet of sacrificial animal divided into three parts. One is kept at home, 2nd equal portion is relatives while third portion is divided among needy and poors.

Eid ul Adha holidays in Pakistan 

Pakistani government has announced three-day public holidays starting from 29th of June 2023 onward to celebrate the Eid ul Adha.

Sacrificial animals 

Markets are hustling and bustling with buyers round the clock in Pakistan as Eid ul Adha has been announced by concerned Pakistani authorities on 29th of June as first day of Eid.
Muslims sacrifice sheeps,bulls,camels and goats to commemorate the willingness of Hazrat Ibrahim AS to sacrifice his son to exhibit obedience and devotion to Allah Almighty. 

Muslims adore themselves with new clothes and offer eid prayers in open grounds early in the morning and pray for the prosperity of all ummah. After Eid prayer Muslims hug with each other and gleefully exchange Eid mubarak. 

Children are especially especially happy on this Eid and roam in the streets with their sacrificial animals.Due to sky rockting inflation most people opt for collective sacrifice as in Islam seven persons can share in large animal sacrifice like cow,bull and camel while single man can give smaller animal as sacrifice as sheep and goat.

Muslims carry out sacrifice of animals and distribute meat among relatives and  needy people according to teachings of Islam. 

Merry making 

BBQ prties are arranged in the evening and relatives visit each other to enjoy the joyous moments. Children visit parks after sacrificial feast. 
In Pakisatn Eid ul Adha has come in the sweltering heat of June. Mercury level in most parts of the country is crossing 40°celsius. 
So to dodge the heat most of the Pakistanis flock to Murree hill station to enjoy the pleasant weather there. Northern areas are another destination where youngsters opt to go to beat the heat.

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