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Ishaqe Dar denying imposition of new taxes on agriculture and construction sector

Finance minister Ishaqe Dar while speaking in national made it clear that no new taxes are being imposed on agriculture and construction sector as government has already fulfilled IMF requirements. 

Ishaqe Dar further said that our government is trying to scale down inflation and further said by referring state bank Pakisatn that inflation will come down to 7 percent in two years subject to continuation of policies.

Tax net expansion 

RO meet the IMF conditions,  government has decided to bring 3 lac new tax payers in tax net by utilising Nadra data. Retailers are also bringing into tax net by electricity bills.

Foriegn exchange reserves 

Speaking in national assembly Ishaqe Dar said that foreign exchange reserves has reached to $14 Bn. $8.7bn are possesed by state bank of Pakistan while commercial banks retain 5.3 billion dollars totalling to 14 billion dollars. 

Stand by arrangements of 3 billion dollars have paved the way financial assistance from Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates and further increased foriegn exchange reserves. 

Despite increase in foriegn exchange reserves dollar is getting stronger against Pakistani rupee surprising many in the country. 

Most people are the view that dollar value plummeted temporarily after IMF agreement and rupee will depreciate further. People have dumped their dollars in lockers and waiting for more increase in dollar value. 

Country's top trading bodies have shown their concern over dollar's appreciation against rupee on daily basis despite IMF's deal resulting in economic instability.

Chamber representatives have stressed the government to control the dollar price for economic stability. 

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