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Pakistani currency exchange rate

Pkr to dollar

At first day of the week on 17 July 2023, inter bank USD to PKR exchange rate is 279.26.

Pakistani rupee depreciated against dollar by 1.67 rupees inspite of surge in foriegn reserves in Pakistani banks thanks to KSA, UAE, IDB, China and mostly IMF.

Open market USD to PKR exchange rate 

In open market USD to PKR exchange rate closed at 285.50.

On Friday 14th July, in open market US dollar closed at 283.00.

There is difference between inter bank exchange rate and open market now shrank to rupees nearly 6 rupees. Earlier inter bank and open market exchange rate difference was about 15 to 20 rupees which shrank to rupees 6.

Credit- SBP Twitter handle

IMF has stressed that dollar exchange rate should be market based without any interference from government side.

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